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Underground heat recovery. Maximized.

Footprint above ground. Minimized.

Mazama Energy will deliver next-generation, clean, Superhot Rock (SHR) geothermal power. Anywhere.

Mazama Energy’s mission is to catalyze equitable energy transition by delivering new, clean power from SHR which is universal, utility-scale, and affordable.

Our expertise and proprietary technology have the potential to become the lowest cost, terawatt-scale, dispatchable source of carbon-free energy.

At 400°C one well could generate

25MW+ power
enough for 25,000 homes

75% less water

The Start of an Energy Revolution…

Mazama Energy has the rights to test and develop a 200 MW producing SHR Engineered Geothermal System (EGS) at Newberry, Oregon, one of the largest geothermal reservoirs in the United States. Newberry is a fully permitted, multi-geothermal well site with SHR at less than 5 km depth.

Producing renewable energy with minimal impact on the environment, land and wildlife is a core value of Mazama Energy.  The Newberry Demonstration Project, the first-of-its-kind SHR EGS project, will be developed in collaboration with state and federal agencies, and will actively involve local communities and tribes.

The first pair of SHR EGS wells at temperatures > 374°C (705°F) will be drilled by Mazama Energy at Newberry, Oregon.

Drill Pads

Newberry National Volcanic Monument


Our goal is to drive the energy transition, GLOBALLY.

Mazama MUSE™

Modular Unconventional Superhot Energy.

MUSE™ is the synthesis of our SHR advancements to drive down electricity cost.

SHR geothermal energy will be produced from volcanic rocks, which have no permeability, by engineering reservoirs to circulate water between wells to harvest heat. Innovations include a patented approach to drilling horizontal wells in SHR, novel techniques to create large EGS reservoirs (Thermal Lattice™ and StimBlock™), and prudent strategies to maximize power (Heat Harvester™).

SHR EGS will yield 5-8x higher power density than traditional EGS at ~200°C. MUSE™ will require 80% fewer wells and use 75% less water than current EGS approaches. MUSE™ performance projections indicate less than $50 per MWh cost for a 20-year project.

Mazama Drill

Reliable, precise and efficient drilling in Superhot Rock.

Mazama Energy’s proprietary drilling technologies will drill horizontal well paths in Superhot Rock.

Thermal Lattice™

Creates large capacity, durable reservoirs in Superhot Rock, unleashing an energy dense output to power the future.

Thermal Lattice™ generates and enhances heat production from deep Superhot Rocks within the earth to the earth’s surface.

Heat Harvester™

Predicts long-term well performance.

Over time, strain on the well leads to decreased heat production. Heat Harvester™ predicts and simulates the life of the wells to maximize well integrity and heat recovery.